HomeFEATUREDDhanteras 2024: Zodiac Wellness Rituals for Health and Prosperity - Times of...

Dhanteras 2024: Zodiac Wellness Rituals for Health and Prosperity – Times of India

First day of Diwali, Dhanteras honors health as well as wealth. It pays homage to the god Dhanvantari, the heavenly healer and Ayurveda parent and Goddess Lakshmi, who signifies success. Occurring during the Samudra Manthan with the elixir of immortality, Dhanvantari means healing and health. His devotion to Dhanteras emphasizes the need for health in line with financial success. Although the deeper meaning is in asking for blessings of prosperity and longevity, people buy precious metals, traditionally believing them to bring good luck. Dhanteras depicts the whole perspective of prosperity of Vedic civilization in which true wealth combines physical health with material abundance.

This Dhanteras 2024 let’s dive into specially selected wellness rituals for each zodiac sign:

Often giving of themselves to the max, Aries people have a vibrant and dynamic quality that leads to fatigue. This Dhanteras emphasizes harmony and avoiding too much effort. Incorporating relaxation activities such as meditation or deep breathing techniques will help you control your high energy levels. Deliberately lighting lamps (diy) can help one become clear and focused. From a health perspective, mindful eating is vital; try to include more cool foods like cucumbers and leafy greens to compensate for your natural tendency towards hot. Long-term vitality will be rejuvenated and encouraged by a gentle Ayurvedic detox with herbs such as brahmi and ashwagandha.
Often enjoying rich foods, which can lead to delay, Taurus is strongly associated with bodily pleasures. On Dhanteras, spend time learning about mindful eating; choose lighter, nutrient-dense meals. Grounding ceremonies such as contemplative gardening or walking barefoot on the earth will balance your earth energies. Using heated sesame oil, you can also benefit from an Ayurvedic oil massage (Abhyanga), which helps release tension and boost circulation. Often a weak spot for Taurus, a diet high in fiber, healthy grains and vegetables will help you maintain digestive health.
Although their health often suffers from overstimulation and anxiety, Geminis are curious and cognitively agile. For Dhanteras, focus on calming the mind through yoga or meditation to improve mental as well as physical health. Establish a practice of journaling or repeating mantras to help organize your scattered energy into a more focused state. Practice mindful eating to maintain balance; stay away from overly processed or fast foods that could disrupt digestion and energy flow. Ayurvedic teas such as brahmi or chamomile will help relax your nervous system and promote inner peace.
Highly sensitive and caring, Cancer natives are prone to emotional stress which can manifest as stomach problems. For Dhanteras, a water-based cleansing ritual with a salt bath or spiritual bath mixed with herbs such as lavender would help clear your aura and so calm your emotional body. Given your fragile digestive system, focus on easily digestible warm, nourishing foods such as soups and stews. Including ginger and turmeric in your diet will strengthen your digestive system and immunity. Staying grounded and balanced will depend on meditation or breathing with an eye toward emotional release.
Although their fiery vitality requires extra care, the Leo is inherently healthy and vibrant. Practice self-care activities that honor your heart space, including gratitude meditation or heart-opening yoga poses, on Dhanteras. Like the cool dishes and techniques, a light Ayurvedic cleanse with an eye toward regulating Pitta energy will help you maintain vitality. Leos should stay away from fried or overly spicy foods, which can aggravate their fiery constitution. Rather, focus on foods high in antioxidants, such as vegetables and berries, to protect your heart function. Participating in artistic pursuits such as dance or painting will nourish your soul and allow you to convey your vibrant vitality.
Emphasized health Virgos can be prone to stress-related problems, including stomach problems, and often overanalyze. On Dhanteras, anchor yourself by organizing your surroundings or using mindfulness to calm your nervous system. Balance will come through a basic Ayurvedic cleanse emphasizing gut health—that is, from drinking warm lemon and ginger water throughout the day. Your sensitive digestion depends on warm, nutritious meals, so avoid overwhelming your body with too much raw food. With the help of meditation that emphasizes letting go of perfectionism, you will reduce tension and bring greater peace to your body and mind.
Although they may have trouble maintaining balance in their health, Libras seek balance in all things. Through meditation or pranayama – breath work – develop a practice of harmonizing the five components in your body to harmonize yourself during Dhanteras. Ayurvedic treatments that emphasize skin health—such as a light oil massage with almond or coconut oil—can help achieve harmony and well-being. Your kidneys and lower back can be sensitive, so pay close attention to foods that support kidney health, such as blueberries and leafy greens, and ensure you’re getting enough fluids. By eating mindfully and emphasizing portion control, you can help prevent overindulgence.
Although they sometimes struggle with holding back tension and stress, especially in the digestive and reproductive realms, Scorpio is profoundly transformed. Perform a purification ceremony on Dhanteras, or a fast, or an Ayurvedic cleanse using Triphala, which helps flush toxins from your body. Another great benefit will be meditation emphasizing the release of emotional baggage. Make sure you eat enough high-fiber foods, then include probiotics to support your digestive tract. Maintaining a balance will depend on a conscious eating style emphasizing healthy, nutritious foods.
Sagittarius people are sometimes prone to over-indulgence and sometimes neglect their physical health; they are adventurous and full of hope. This Dhanteras, consider grounding techniques like yoga or mindful walking to stabilize your energy. A simple intermittent fasting or cleanse day involving Ayurvedic herbs like Triphala will help your digestive system reset. Your hips and thighs are sensitive areas, so incorporate daily stretches to maintain flexibility. Mindful eating, emphasizing whole foods and smaller portions, will help you stay light and refreshed.
Often struggling with their joints, bones and overall energy, disciplined but prone to burnout Capricorns can find On Dhanteras, design a ceremony to honor your body that combines meditation emphasizing self-compassion with a light yoga practice. Foods high in calcium, such as leafy greens, almonds and sesame seeds, will help maintain bone strength. Especially with warming oils like sesame or mustard, Ayurvedic oil massages can help reduce joint stiffness and improve circulation. To maintain energy and vitality, focus on a balanced diet that includes vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains.
Aquarians are known for their visionary approach, yet they can neglect their physical health. Using breathing or a water purification technique to calm your nervous system, this Dhanteras perform a peaceful ritual that brings you back to the present. Aquarius regulates the circulatory system, so it’s extremely important to focus on cardiovascular health with light aerobic exercise and foods that improve circulation, such as turmeric and garlic. Your system can be reset with a basic Ayurvedic detox with mint and coriander, two cooling herbs. Eat mindfully, savoring every bite to ensure your body is well nourished.
Often absorbing the energy of others, Pisces are sensitive and sympathetic and can cause both emotional and physical exhaustion. On Dhanteras, focus on a cleansing ritual to clear your energy field—smearing your environment with sage or taking a salt bath. Ground yourself with warm, filling foods, including lentils and root vegetables. Add Ayurvedic adaptogens like Ashwagandha to reduce tension and increase overall vitality. With the help of meditation emphasizing restraint and self-care, you will be able to maintain your inner strength and vitality, thereby maintaining your mental and physical health.
This article was written by, Siddharth S Kumar, Registered Pharmacistastronumerologist, life and relationship coach, You are an expertenergy healer, music therapist and founder of NumroVani


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