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Hezbollah is a legitimate political party of Lebanon: Lebanese Ambassador to India Rabi Narsh

With the Israeli invasion and battle between Hezbollah and the Israel Defense ForcesThe people of Lebanon are facing a situation not seen since the end of the 1975-1990 civil war. In addition to its diverse population, Lebanon is also home to a large group of Palestinian refugees – all of whom currently face the brunt of the conflict. Ambassador Rabi Narsh shares Lebanon’s perspective in this written Q&A.

What is the humanitarian situation in Lebanon in light of Israel’s invasion?

Lebanon is currently facing a a brutal war waged by Israelwhich has deployed an array of advanced and devastating weapons. These include massive bombs weighing 2,000 pounds each, as well as internationally banned munitions such as white phosphorus. Casualties were catastrophic, with over 2,100 civilians killed, more than 11,000 injured and an estimated 1.2 million people displaced. The scale of destruction and suffering is enormous, leading to a severe humanitarian crisis across the country.

What is it the situation of Indians in Lebanon – are Indian workers and professionals safe or facing the threat of war?

There are about 3,500 Indian citizens currently residing in Lebanon. They are our valued guests and their safety is as much a priority as that of the families and establishments they work with.

What is the scale of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon – what are the different places that are affected by the attack – please name the places if you know and explain the condition facing the people there.

The scale of Israeli terrorist aggression is shocking and increasing dramatically. The most targeted areas are South Lebanon, the southern suburbs of Beirut and the Bekaa. On the humanitarian side, the Lebanese government, with the help of international organizations and NGOs,

What are the options before Lebanon in the given context of the war between Israel and Hezbollah?

Lebanon’s options in the current context of war are largely tied to the international community and the role of global institutions. The United Nations remains a critical avenue for Lebanon, as international legitimacy is its greatest shield. A perfect example of UN restrictions is Israel. This rogue state has consistently ignored dozens of resolutions issued by the UN and its various bodies. Israel acts as if it is above international law and defies the will of the world community. A striking example is his opposition to the two-state solution, which is supported by almost every nation in the world. Yet Israel’s resistance to this decision is a key reason why a Palestinian state has yet to be established. To be truly effective, the UN needs stronger enforcement mechanisms and greater unity among its member states.

French President Macron has called for an end to arms supplies to Israel. In this context, what should be the responsibility of countries like India that have relations with Israel?

French President Macron’s call for an end to arms supplies to Israel is indeed a laudable step towards promoting peace and de-escalating the conflict. In this context, countries like India, which maintain strong relations with Israel, have an important role to play. India, known for its balanced diplomacy and commitment to peace, could use its influence to encourage the warmonger Netanyahu to reconsider his aggressive policy and insist on an immediate ceasefire. By advocating for a peaceful resolution, India will not only help prevent further devastation, but also strengthen its position as a key player in global peace-building efforts.

Lebanon often seems to be the victim of a war between Hezbollah and Israel. so is Hezbollah fighting for Lebanon in your opinion?

Hezbollah is a legitimate Lebanese political party with representation in the government, parliament and administration. In domestic politics, Hezbollah operates according to the established rules of Lebanon’s political system. However, it is also a resistance movement born in 1982 in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon that year. Hezbollah emerged as a direct reaction to the occupation; international law gives every occupied people the right to resist their oppressors. The claim that Israel is simply fighting Hezbollah and not the people of Lebanon is completely misleading. This false distinction ignores the reality that when it comes to resistance to occupation, there is total unity among our people. The entire nation stands behind the resistance, with all sections of society supporting efforts to defend our land and sovereignty against the aggressor. The fight is not just about a group, but about the collective will of people who refuse to be subjugated.

In the event that India wishes to evacuate its citizens, will Lebanon be able to support such a move?

We sincerely hope that the situation does not escalate to that point. However, if evacuation is required, Lebanon will certainly provide full support to facilitate the safe departure of Indian nationals. We remain committed to ensuring their well-being and will coordinate closely with Indian authorities to ensure the process is as smooth and secure as possible.

Lebanon is known for its rich cultural treasures such as mosques and churches. Are they under threat from Israeli and Hezbollah bombings?

Yes, unfortunately many mosques and even a church were bombed and destroyed. Israel shows no respect for ethical or legal boundaries and acts without fear of being held accountable for its crimes. These cultural and religious treasures, which are a vital part of Lebanon’s heritage, are under serious threat as a result of this relentless aggression.

What is Lebanon’s position on the war between Israel and Hamas? What needs to be done to deal with already a year of crisis?

Our position is clear. We are in this devastating situation because Israel has not been held accountable for its continued encroachment on neighboring borders, occupation, war crimes, crimes against humanity and repeated violations of international law since its creation by UN resolution. His continued refusal to comply with UN resolutions, particularly those supporting a two-state solution and recognizing the Palestinian people’s right to a sovereign state, has prolonged this conflict. As long as these injustices continue, the situation remains ripe for further escalation.

Have you had an official meeting with the Indian interlocutors so far on the situation in Lebanon and the Israel-Gaza war?

We are in direct and constant contact with our Indian friends. India, as a peace-loving nation with a strong global presence, is well-positioned to play a vital role in conflict de-escalation. He maintains good relations with both Lebanon and Israel, making him a reliable mediator. As a key player in international politics, India can use its influence to encourage Netanyahu to reconsider his aggressive illegal policy and help end this senseless and destructive war, promoting a path to peace and stability.

Published – 08 Oct 2024, 18:09 IST


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