HomeNEWSWORLDIsraeli tanks destroyed the door of the UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon

Israeli tanks destroyed the door of the UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon

For the fourth consecutive day it has targeted UN peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tanks destroyed the main gate of their facility in Ramya in southern Lebanon, the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said on Sunday (October). . 13, 2024).

The smoke, which entered the camp after several shots were fired nearby, left 15 peacekeepers with skin irritation and gastrointestinal reactions. Israeli soldiers also halted a critical UNIFIL logistical movement on Saturday (October 12, 2024), the statement said.

In a video message to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made an “appeal” that “the time has come” to withdraw UNIFIL from “Hezbollah strongholds and combat zones”.

“Mr. Secretary General, get the UNIFIL forces out of harm’s way.” This must be done immediately, immediately,” Mr. Netanyahu said in the video. “Your refusal to evacuate UNIFIL soldiers has made them hostages of Hezbollah. This endangers both them and the lives of our soldiers,” he said.

There are more than 10,000 peacekeepers from 50 countries under UNIFIL, under the authority of the Security Council. India is the third largest force contributor with 903 troops. According to defense officials here, the Indian battalion is not present in Ramya.

Early on Sunday morning (October 13, 2024), peacekeepers at the UN position in Ramya spotted three platoons of IDF soldiers crossing the Blue Line into Lebanon, UNIFIL said, and at around 4.30am, while the peacekeepers were in cover, two IDF Merkava tanks destroyed the main door of the position and forcibly entered the position. “They asked several times for the base to turn off its lights. The tanks left about 45 minutes later after UNIFIL protested through our liaison mechanism, saying the presence of the IDF put the peacekeepers at risk,” it said in a statement.

Further, at around 6.40am, peacekeepers at the same position reported several shots 100m to the north, which emitted smoke. “Despite wearing protective masks, fifteen peacekeepers suffered effects, including skin irritation and gastrointestinal reactions, after the smoke entered the camp,” according to UNIFIL. The peacekeepers are receiving treatment.

In addition, on Saturday (October 12, 2024), IDF soldiers stopped a critical UNIFIL logistics movement near Meiss ej Jebel, denying it passage, the statement said, and the critical movement “could not be completed.”

“The breach and intrusion into a UN position is yet another flagrant violation of international law and Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006),” UNIFIL reiterated. “Any deliberate attack against peacekeepers is a serious violation of international humanitarian law and Resolution 1701. UNIFIL’s mandate provides for freedom of movement in their area of ​​operations and any restriction on this is a violation of Resolution 1701.”

“We have demanded an explanation from the IDF for these shocking violations,” he added.

Israel recently announced a ban on Mr. Guterres from entering Israeli territory. On Sunday (October 13, 2024), 104 countries, including European and African countries, as well as much of the global south, “condemned” what was disapproved by India.

A joint statement was released on Saturday (12 October 2024), initially by 34 UNIFIL troop-contributing countries, later endorsed by a further six countries, including India, condemning continued attacks on peacekeepers and calling on all to respect UNIFIL’s mission and ensure the safety of its personnel.

“Appeal” for withdrawal of UNIFIL forces

“We are more determined than ever to secure our future; we are more determined than ever to defeat our enemies,” Mr. Netanyahu said in the video message, saying that IDF soldiers were fighting in force to return Israeli residents to the north safely to their homes. “We are not fighting the Lebanese people, we are fighting Iran’s terrorist proxy Hezbollah, which is occupying Lebanon,” he said.

Mr Netanyahu said the IDF had repeatedly asked UNIFIL to withdraw from Hezbollah strongholds but had been met with “repeated refusal”, which “had the effect of providing Hezbollah terrorists with human shields”.

“We regret the harm caused to UNIFIL soldiers and are doing everything we can to prevent such harm. But the simplest and most obvious way to ensure that is to simply pull them out of the danger zone,” he added.

It is pertinent to note that UNIFIL was established pursuant to Security Council Resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) of 19 March 1978 to: confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon; restoration of international peace and security; and to help the Government of Lebanon ensure the return of its effective authority to the area.


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