HomeNEWSWORLDTrump calls Chinese President Xi 'brilliant', says US faces bigger threats from...

Trump calls Chinese President Xi ‘brilliant’, says US faces bigger threats from ‘domestic enemies’ – Times of India

Former US President Donald Trump redoubled his past admiration for the Chinese president Xi Jinpingsparking new discussions about his relationship with global leaders.
Speaking to a crowd, Trump reflected on his relationship with the Chinese leader, saying: “I don’t think they like me, but I like them and we actually had a very good relationship. President Xi, me. Someone said what kind of person is he? He is a cruel man. He is a very smart man.
Trump didn’t stop there, describing Xi as “brilliant” and praising his leadership over China’s 1.4 billion citizens.
“He rules with an iron fist. The press gets upset when I say he’s a smart guy. The real enemies are enemies from within,” he added.

Trump has long touted his warm relationship with Xi, despite the historically contentious trade relationship between the US and China during his presidency. In 2020, while still president, Trump said he and Xi “love each other” despite his administration imposing high tariffs on Chinese goods.
Trump’s admiration for strongmen extends beyond Xi. In recent days, attention has returned to his past ties to the Russian president Vladimir Putinamid reports of secret talks during and after his presidency. Veteran journalist Bob Woodward’s forthcoming book The War claims Trump and Putin engaged in secret discussions, with one notable exchange involving Covid-19 testing machines. The book suggests that the US and Russia struck a deal in 2020, swapping the machines – an arrangement that, if made public, could have ignited a political firestorm in the US.
Trump’s cozy relationship with world leaders like Xi and Putin has often put him at odds with his critics, who argue that his personal diplomacy risks compromising US interests.


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