HomeFEATUREDZodiac signs and how they deal with ghosts - Times of India

Zodiac signs and how they deal with ghosts – Times of India

A ghostly experience is a painful experience that has left a person bewildered and rejected. Of course every sign will dealing with ghosting in different ways that will be influenced by their unique traits and emotional response to the situation. Here’s how each sign will deal with ghosts.
In general, Aries is known to be fiery and direct. Therefore, at first a person will probably feel anger and frustration, but then they face the situation and try to get an answer from the person who is ghosting them. On the other hand, Aries seems to move on quickly and put their energy into new adventures or activities and not dwell too long on anything negative.
Taurus are realistic and practical. The appearance of ghosts can be a panic for them. They will spend time looking at the situation as an analytical method to conclude in their own way. To deal with this, they tend to seek out soothing activities like good food or spending time in nature where they can heal one part at a time while focusing on self-care.
Geminis process emotions through communication, which makes them difficult to ghost. They may try to find friends to let go and tear from all sides. Geminis are flexible, however, and will eventually focus on distraction by immersing themselves in new social activities or hobbies to shift attention away from the ghost experience.
Cancers are sensitive and emotional. The ghost in this case will really harm them. They go back into their shell and think about their feelings about the relationship. So usually Cancers find comfort through close friends and family while seeking comfort with those they care about. They need time to heal and work through their emotions before moving on.
Leo’s self-esteem is strong. The hosting is a blatant attack on his ego. He will answer them with rage and pride, boasting that no one can see him weak. Leos usually channel emotion into art, performance, or communication; they regain their confidence and let things go by using charisma.
Virgos think too much about the situation and try to analyze it, understanding what might have happened. They replay all the interactions in their mind and think about how something went wrong. This coping mechanism takes the form of organization and self-improvement related to establishing personal goals or projects that can help them regain some kind of control and clarity.
Since Libras enjoy pleasant relationships and relationships, being ghosted is especially painful for them. Perhaps they will feel rejection and bewilderment. For this reason, Libras tend to look to friends for emotional support; they express their emotions and hold on to reassurances. Later, they try again to regain their emotional balance by engaging in social or self-care activities.
Scorpios are intense and passionate, but when ghosted, they really dig deep into their feelings. They can really feel betrayed and instead of facing the situation head on, they usually retreat into solitude, a time of introspection in many ways, so they come out stronger, maybe even using some of the pain as fuel for growth within themselves .
Sagittarius is very adventurous and looks on the bright side of things. Being ghosts might not hold them back for too long. They reject it and see it more as an attempt to explore new relationships or experiences. Instead of dwelling on what happened, they will quickly turn their focus to travel, new friendships, or spontaneous adventures, healing through a positive outlook.
Capricorns are practical and driven, so ghosts may anger them at first, but they’ll likely see it as a lesson in insight and move forward with a renewed focus on their goals. Capricorns often work things out through work or personal projects, using their drive as a coping strategy.
Because Aquarians are independent and different, the appearance of ghosts does not bother them as much as others. They tend to be rational when looking at things and try not to get too emotional about the situation. Coping mechanisms can be social activities or causes they care about, using time and energy to direct their feelings towards something positive.
Because of their sensitive nature, ghosts can be very psychologically devastating to Pisces. More often they withdraw into their inner world and use art, music or writing as ways to channel their emotions. Healing comes through nature for them or through close friends who can understand that depth and allow time for recovery.


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